About Me

IMG_2014Hi, I’m Chelsea. I’m a city girl in a wonderful world. I study in lovely Toronto, where I spend many a day eating breakfast at non-breakfast times. I play an inordinate amount of Neko Atsume, insist on tasting the milk in every place I visit, and take too many photos of beach pebbles.

I fell in love with travel when I was ten, and since then, I have dreamed of seeing the whole world. I created this blog for travel fanatics like me, who see so much beauty in the world and travel to celebrate it. I believe in being kind, brave, and just a touch rebellious.

All the work (photos, text, and all) on Live Wanderfully is mine unless otherwise stated. I’ve put a lot of effort into this, so please credit if you want to use anything. Similarly, all of the work I put onto this site is completely honest; I do not plagiarize. Furthermore, all of the opinions stated here are my own; no big corporations putting words into my mouth!

This blog would not be possible without you guys. You are the reason why I do what I do and love it so much. Thank you for supporting me; it means the world.

Don’t hesitate to contact me with questions or requests, or even just to chat 🙂


Nominated for the Liebster Award, Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award, and the Up and Canuck Blogging Award

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